about 3 hours ago, Garrett Dout
Join March School Board work session / general purpose meeting on 3/10/25 at 7:00PM! Link - https://sharoncitysd.webex.com/sharoncitysd/j.php?MTID=me9892953dacc28cb09f7ff7c430919a2
3 days ago, Garrett Dout
All Sharon City schools will be operating on a 2 hour delay tomorrow, 2/19/25. All students and staff should report to school 2 hours after the regularly scheduled start time.
23 days ago, Justi Glaros
Join February's School Board meeting on 2/18/25 at 7:00PM! Link - https://sharoncitysd.webex.com/sharoncitysd/j.php?MTID=m567918e76b95d7423b6598f761669c51
23 days ago, Garrett Dout
Due to the forecasted negative windchill tomorrow, all students will participate in remote learning from home on Tuesday 2/18/25 and all Sharon City School buildings will be closed. Students are to log into their Google classrooms and complete classwork assigned during the regularly scheduled school day. READ and COOL students will participate virtually. Evening activities are still scheduled.
24 days ago, Justi Glaros
Join February's School Board work session / general purpose meeting on 2/10/25 at 7:00PM! Link - https://sharoncitysd.webex.com/sharoncitysd/j.php?MTID=m62758a850949b4db48750fbd126dc464
about 1 month ago, Garrett Dout
Due to the weather advisory of ice accumulation in the early morning, all Sharon City Schools will be operating on a 2 hour delay, Thursday, 2/6/25. All students and staff should report to school 2 hours after the regularly scheduled start time.
about 1 month ago, Justi Glaros
Join January's School Board Meeting 1/29/25 at 7:00PM! Link - https://sharoncitysd.webex.com/sharoncitysd/j.php?MTID=m753f381225301bd71a7a3ea4185b9a32
about 1 month ago, Garrett Dout
All Sharon City schools will be operating on a 2 hour delay Thursday, 1/23/25. All students and staff should report to school 2 hours after the regularly scheduled start time.
about 2 months ago, Justi Glaros
Join January's School Board Meeting 1/21/25 at 7:00PM! This will be a virtual meeting, Link - https://sharoncitysd.webex.com/sharoncitysd/j.php?MTID=m7c49c0295b54bf44742a51ad2fd877e4
about 2 months ago, Garrett Dout
Due to the cold weather advisory, all students will participate in instruction from home on Tuesday and Wednesday, 1/21 & 1/22, and all Sharon City School buildings will be closed. Students are to log into their Google classrooms and complete classwork assigned during the regularly scheduled school day. READ and COOL students will participate virtually.
about 2 months ago, Justi Glaros
All Sharon City schools will be operating on a 2 hour delay Wednesday, 1/15/25. All students and staff should report to school 2 hours after the regularly scheduled start time.
about 2 months ago, Justi Glaros
Due to cold temperatures, Sharon Schools will be implementing our Flexible Instructional Day (FID) Plan on Tuesday, January 14. All students will participate in instruction from home and all school buildings will be closed. Students are to log in to their Google classrooms and complete classwork or complete packets as assigned during the regularly scheduled school day. Information regarding FID procedures was sent home with students previously and can be found on the homepage of the District website: www.sharonsd.org. Student participating in the COOL or READ program are to log in using their Chromebooks.
about 2 months ago, Colleen Hoban
Join January's School Board work session / general purpose meeting on 1/13/25 at 7:00PM! Link - https://sharoncitysd.webex.com/sharoncitysd/j.php?MTID=mf3b307222e065e65478024c41454103b
about 2 months ago, Garrett Dout
Due to forecasted wind chill and cold temperatures, Sharon Schools will be implementing our Flexible Instructional Day (FID) Plan on Thursday, January 9. All students will participate in instruction from home and all school buildings will be closed. Students are to log in to their Google classrooms and complete classwork or complete packets as assigned during the regularly scheduled school day. Information regarding FID procedures was sent home with students previously and can be found on the homepage of the District website: www.sharonsd.org. Student participating in the COOL or READ program are to log in using their Chromebooks. All Sharon Middle and High School after school activities are still scheduled at this time.
2 months ago, Colleen Hoban
Join December’s School Board work session / general purpose meeting on 12/4/24 at 7:00PM! Link - https://sharoncitysd.webex.com/sharoncitysd/j.php?MTID=m89ef5f484a476c3471c2206a096926a1
3 months ago, Garrett Dout
Join November’s School Board meeting on 11/18/24 at 7:00PM! Link - https://sharoncitysd.webex.com/sharoncitysd/j.php?MTID=m644b4cf93387c25e3d57c21adbbaebee
4 months ago, Garrett Dout
Join November’s School Board work session / general purpose meeting on 11/12/24 at 7:00PM! Link - https://sharoncitysd.webex.com/sharoncitysd/j.php?MTID=m31a88e05bb17b2f329b78f0a596f0bef
4 months ago, Garrett Dout
Join October’s School Board meeting on 10/21/24 at 7:00PM! Link - https://sharoncitysd.webex.com/sharoncitysd/j.php?MTID=ma36b6f9b3ebd03930bcab396d4f526e5
5 months ago, Garrett Dout
Join October’s School Board work session / general purpose meeting on 10/15/24 at 7:00PM! Link - https://sharoncitysd.webex.com/sharoncitysd/j.php?MTID=mba633c8bdfd46b24c28255e36ea582af
5 months ago, Garrett Dout