Board of Education
The Sharon City School District Board of Education meets on the second Monday and third Monday (Tuesday, if a Federal holiday falls on Monday) of the month beginning at 7:00 pm. Board and Subcommittee meetings are held at the Educational Service Center, 215 Forker Boulevard.

Mr. Eric Wenger, President
Ms. Ciera Townsend, Vice President
Mrs. Pamela Corini, Treasurer
Mrs. Patricia Carroll, Member
Mr. Brian Faber, Member
Mr. Christopher Ford, Member
Mrs. Brenda Kepple, Member
Mrs. Deborah Roberson, Member
Mr. Matt Vannoy, Member
Ms. Justi Glaros, Superintendent
Mrs. Tresa Templeton, Board Secretary (non-voting)
Mission Statement
The mission of the Sharon City School District is to educate all students in a safe, supportive, and challenging environment where they can learn to be productive citizens and succeed in an everchanging world.
Vision Statement
It is the vision of the Sharon City School District that our schools are a place where:
Students demonstrate awareness that personal effort in education will maximize their potential for a greater quality of life.
The school system strives for excellence based upon sound educational practices.
Lifelong learning is fostered through challenging, innovative, and diverse learning experiences for students, staff and the community.
Instruction is individualized.
Education is valued and supported by the entire community, and is delivered in a safe, healthy, cooperative and disciplined atmosphere.
All people are encouraged to pursue their dreams, develop ideas, and discover opportunities for growth.
Students, parents, and educators are equal partners in the educational process and share responsibility for the results.
Open and honest communication is fostered among school staff, students, families and the community.
Schools are an integral part of the community and easily accessible to all citizens.
Sharon graduates will be ….
Proficient in all areas of the Commonwealth standards.
Productive, responsible, self-reliant adults.
Enthusiastic toward learning and the lifelong pursuit of knowledge with an appreciation for the arts, sciences and humanities.
Respectful and responsible to family, community, country, and personal integrity.
Belief Statement
The Sharon City School District believes:
That the District, the students, the parents and the community share the responsibility for the education of all students.
That learning is a lifelong process.
That everyone has the right to succeed and that successful experiences lead to heightened self-worth and accomplishment.
That every student is entitled to a quality education
In creating an atmosphere conducive to learning.
In this shared set of values:
Civic responsibility and citizenship
Respect for others and their property
Respect for self