Computer Info/Science Department
#134 Computer Applications ½ credit
Computer Applications is a basic introduction to computers and provides an overview of the use of pre-written programs. Included in this class is word processing, database, and spreadsheet integration using Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, and Access), Photo manipulation of images generated by students using a scanner, a digital camera, and downloading from the Internet using Photoshop, desktop publishing using Publisher, audio and MIDI file manipulation, and slide show presentations on Powerpoint. Also included is an introduction to the Internet ,including web browsing, search engines, and creation of home pages.
#138 Computer Programming 1 credit
This is for students that are interested in computer science and its application in many different professional careers. Emphasis will be placed on developing sound programming skills, problem solving and an understanding of the fundamentals of computer science.
Students will plan, organize, write and test their programs on computers. The programming language used in this course will primarily be JAVA. Algebra I, Algebra A, or Structured Programming – BASIC is a pre-requisite.