The Sharon High School Robotics Team recently competed at the FIRST Tech Challenge South Central Pennsylvania Qualifier at Penn State York where they received the First Place Inspire (Champion’s) Award and advancement to the Pennsylvania State Championship in March. The Sharon High School Team competed on Saturday, January 21st against 30 teams from across the state of Pennsylvania. In addition to the Inspire Award, the team also received the Finalist Robot Alliance Award. The Inspire Award is given to the team that best embodies the ‘challenge’ of the FIRST Tech Challenge program. The Sharon team received this award by being a strong ambassador for FIRST programs and a role model FIRST team. In addition, they provided inspiration to other teams, acting with Gracious Professionalism® both on and off the playing field. The team was able to share their experiences, enthusiasm and knowledge with other teams, sponsors, their community, and the judges. Working as a unit, the Sharon High School Team was able to show success in performing the task of designing and building a robot.
SHS Robotics Team Advances to States
January 27, 2023