This past week, the Sharon Robotics Teams had a memorable evening at the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce Dinner. The coaches/teams were honored as the Shenango Valley Champion Organization of the Year, along with Gary Hinkson of the City of Hermitage, as the Shenango Valley Business Ambassador of the Year.
The coaches/teams being awarded were:
- Sharon High FTC Robotics Team: Coached by Jen and Rick Barborak
- West Hill Elementary FLL Robotics Team: Coached by Lewis Kellar
- C.M. Musser Elementary FLL Robotics Team: Coached by Brian Wiegle
- Sharon Tiger Techs Orange and Black: Coach by Darcy Wiesen, Kelly Roys, and Dave Tomko
The Robotics Teams are appreciative of the support for them over the past 10 years. This includes, students of the teams, families, coaches/mentors, school district, businesses, organizations, community and state leaders, police/fire departments, loyal supporters, and the FIRST Robotics community. Thanks to Sherris and the Chamber of Commerce for making this night special!
The teams and coaching staff are very grateful for this team approach, because each brick is as vital as the other. A team member quoted it best, “We are like Lego’s, we build upon each other. Thank you for being a brick in our foundation.”
For additional details, please click here: