Data collection for the 2020 US Census is ending tomorrow. As of today, well over 99.9% of housing units have been accounted for in the 2020 Census. Self-response and field data collection operations for the 2020 Census will conclude on October 15, 2020. If you have not yet completed your Census form please do so today! Census data provides for funding for the School District and City of Sharon!!
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon City School District athletic venue capacity plans are posted on the News page of the district website under COVID 19 Update. All venue capacity numbers are effective beginning, Monday, October 12, 2020 and until further notice.
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The live stream link for the Sharon vs Hickory Girls Volleyball match can be found at the following site: Game time is JV 6pm with Varsity to follow. Go Lady Tigers!
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The live stream for tonight's Sharon vs Slippery Rock Boys Varsity and JV Soccer matches can be found at the following links: 6:00PM JV: Approximately 7:15PM Varsity:
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The live stream for tonight's Sharon vs Slippery Rock Varsity Girls Volleyball game can be found at the following link: Go Lady Tigers!
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
Given the current state guidelines, visiting fans will not be permitted at the Sharon vs. Hickory football game Friday, October 9th. Tiger fans should note that WYTV is broadcasting the game as their Game of the Week. And the game will radio broadcast on 790 WPIC. Hickory will also be live streaming through the Joanow Legal Group website:
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The live-stream link to tonight's Sharon vs. Slippery Rock Varsity Football game can be accessed at this site: Game time is 7:00 PM. Go Tigers!
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon City School District has provided an update related to the active COVID19 case which was reported on Friday, September 25.
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The live stream for tonight's Grove City @ Sharon Tigers football game can be found at this link:
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon City School District was notified this morning that there is a single positive test result of Covid-19 in one of our classrooms at C. M. Musser Elementary. We are pleased to share that the individual is currently responding well to treatment and improving. In response to the positive result, we have spent the day working with the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DoH) regarding all necessary actions that need to be followed and they recommend that, at this time, we continue to monitor our children and ourselves for symptoms. No quarantine is recommended at this time. The DoH will continue to to follow all protocols and inform us if additional actions need to be taken. Please note as well that we continue to follow all of our Health and Safety plan guidance including deep cleaning of all areas of our buildings with special attentions being paid to high use areas. Please remember that if you are experiencing symptoms, please see your Primary Care Physician who can make the determination if you or your child need to be tested.
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
Tiger fans are invited to watch the live stream of the Sharon versus Grove City football game on Saturday night (9/26) by accessing the Sharon Tigers Football page on Facebook. This public page will go live at 6:58 pm. The game will also be audio broadcast at or at the Friday Night PA app (free at the app store).
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
Sharon City School District parents and friends. It’s not too late to participate in the 2020 Census. If you haven’t responded yet, please do so by Sept. 30, 2020. In Pennsylvania, everyone counts. Our communities and families benefit when you participate in the 2020 Census. Our population count determines the federal support Pennsylvanians receive for the next ten years for healthcare, housing, food assistance, education, roads, and more. Be a good neighbor and participate. It only takes a few minutes to complete. You can respond online in less time than it takes to drink your morning coffee. Respond to the 2020 Census It’s not too late to participate in the 2020 Census. If you haven’t responded yet, please do so by Sept. 30, 2020. In Pennsylvania, everyone counts. Our communities and families benefit when you participate in the 2020 Census. Our population count determines the federal support Pennsylvanians receive for the next ten years for healthcare, housing, food assistance, education, roads, and more. Be a good neighbor and participate. It only takes a few minutes to complete. You can respond online in less time than it takes to drink your morning coffee For more information, visit
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
Beginning on Monday, September 21st, all students in the Sharon City School District will "Eat for Free." The District has been given permission to extend our free summer meal program through the end of December (or until funding is depleted). All students have access to breakfast and lunch for free daily. Virtual students also can access this service as outlined in the letter found at this link:
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
This is a correction to our Sharon v. Hickory Football Live Stream announcement. Friday Night PA will only be providing an audio broadcast for tonight's game. To view the game in live stream please access it at Game time is 7 pm. We thank Hickory Football for sharing their site with us at this late date/time.
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The 2020 Census is underway! The census impacts funding decisions for things like healthcare, infrastructure, education, and more. Respond today at 2020CENSUS.GOV.
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
Fans wishing to view tonight's girls soccer game against Slippery Rock can access the live stream at:
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
Tiger football fans can watch the live stream of tonight's game against the Rockets from Slippery Rock by accessing this link: The link will go live at 6:45pm with kick-off set for 7pm. GO TIGERS!
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The revised fall 2020 athletic schedules have been posted to the District website. Please note that all schedules are subject to change. Also, please be aware that the District will follow all Commonwealth of Pennsylvania regulations with regard to spectator participation. Current guidelines (as of 9-9-20) allow for no spectators at indoor events and a very limited number at outdoor events. At this time no visiting spectators can be welcomed to our facilities.
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
Good morning Sharon elementary school students and families. This is a reminder that families whose students are signed up to complete their instruction virtually for the first nine weeks are asked to pick up their children's Chrome Books at main office of your child's elementary school today, Thursday, August 20, 2020 anytime between 9 A. M. and noon or between 1 P. M. and 3 P. M. This is for elementary students only. Also note that Friday, August 21 by 3 P.M. is the final day to complete registration for virtual classes. Students not registered by that time will be expected to attend in-person classes beginning on Wednesday, August 26.
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon City School DistrictBoard of Education is anticipating holding a Special Meeting on Monday, August 24, 2020 at 7 PM for the purpose of reviewing PIAA recommended options for fall sports, transportation contracts, personnel and any other business that may come before the Board. The meeting will be held virtually with connection instructions available on the District website at
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla