Sharon City School District parents and guardians are reminded that tomorrow, Friday, February 26, is our scheduled Friday professional development early dismissal. Students will be dismissed as they do on our planned Tiger Tuesday's. Also, note that next, Tuesday, March 2 is also a Tiger Tuesday early dismissal and that there are three Tiger Tuesday's in the month of March.

The Sharon High Swim team will be well represented at the District 10 Swimming and Diving Championships on Friday, March 5 at the David M. Hallman III Aquatics Center in Erie.
• Sophomore Ella Labbiento will compete in the 200 yard freestyle and the 500 yard freestyle events.
• Senior Jake Cattron will compete in the 100 yard breaststroke and in the 200 yard freestyle and 400 yard freestyle relays.
• Senior Ty Chartraw will compete in the 50 yard freestyle and the 100 yard freestyle events, and in the 200 yard freestyle and 400 yard freestyle relays.
• Senior Gabe Kirsch will compete in the 200 yard freestyle and 400 yard freestyle relays.
• Freshman Mark Cattron will compete in the 200 freestyle and 100 yard freestyle events, and in the 200 yard freestyle and 400 yard freestyle relays
Best of Luck to all!

Please share with coaches, parents and any fan of D10 wrestling.
Hickory will be doing a live stream of all the matches at the NW Regionals Saturday, February 27 on theri Facebook page “Hickory Wrestling”. They will have one stream per mat with commentary for all rounds.
The easiest way to follow your favorite wrestler would be to use one device with floarena and check the upcoming matches. That will tell you what mat they’re on so you can watch.

Updated Winter Sports Schedule:
Girls Basketball
Wednesday, Feb, 24- home, vs Grove City at 7 pm (varsity only)
Monday, March 1st-home vs. Mercer 6pm
Boys Basketball
Wed. Feb 24- away vs Sharpsville 6 pm
Thursday, Feb. 25-home vs Grove City 6 pm
Friday, Feb. 26-home vs Academy of Urban Scholars, 6 pm (varsity only)
Monday, March 1- away vs Conneaut ,OH 6 pm.
Wed., March 3-home vs Rocky Grove 6 pm
Saturday, Feb. 27-Districts at Sharon
Friday, March 5-Districts at Cathedral Prep, Erie

Sharon SD parents are reminded that third quarter progress reports have been mailed and should be arriving in your homes this week. Please review your child's progress and contact the school with any questions.

The Sharon City School District has announced our 2021-2022 Kindergarten registration dates. Complete information can be found at the following link: https://5il.co/pv7e
Due to COVID-19 registration will be for parents only.

Sharon Freshman swimmer, Mark Cattron. broke the school record in the 500 freestyle on Monday, February 22, swimming a 4:59.28. Congrats to Mark, Coach Tomasello, and Coach Beckett.

Career changers and seekers of any age are encouraged to check out Career Journeys – a library of video interviews with professionals to help anyone determine if a particular job, industry, or career might be a good fit for their skills and interests.
Visit https://tcfpe.org/career-journeys to learn more and find the entire library of videos.

Here are the Live Stream Links for this weeks home athletic events:
Swimming vs Slippery Rock
Monday 2/22 @ 4:00
Girls Basketball vs Farrell (Varsity only)
Monday 2/22 @ 7:00
Girls Basketball vs Grove City (JV/Varsity)
Wednesday 2/24 @ 6:00
Boys Basketball vs Grove City (JV/Varsity)
Thursday 2/25 @ 6:00
Boys Basketball vs Academy of Urban Scholars (JV/Varsity)
***Senior Night***
Friday 2/26 @ 6:00

Good evening Sharon School District families and Staff. Due to the current weather conditions the School District will operate on a two hour delay for tomorrow, Tuesday, February 16, 2021. This means that Middle and High School students will report at 10am and Elementary students will report at 10:30am. Please be advised that changing conditions may require updates to this plan.

Good evening Sharon School District families and Staff. Due to the current weather conditions the School District will operate on a two hour delay for tomorrow, Tuesday, February 15, 2021. This means that Middle and High School students will report at 10am and Elementary students will report at 10:30am. Please be advised that changing conditions may require updates to this plan.

The following are the dates and times for programs listed below: Please follow all Covid guidelines, including wearing a mask.
Grades 2-4 Monday Feb 15, 2-3 High School
Tuesdays, Musser 3:30-4:30 Feb 16-Mar 2
Sundays High School 5:00-6:00 Feb 21st-Mar 7
Grades 5 & 6 Monday Feb 15, Scheduled games at the High School
Teams A v. B 3:00 Teams B v C 3:40 (please arrive 15 min prior to game time. No parents at this time.) Pick up teams A/B 3:40 and Teams C/D 4:10
Practice times will continue on as scheduled Wednesday and Thursday at Musser through March 4th
Games will continue Sundays 3-4:30 TBA at the High School through March 7th (playoffs)
Grades 7/8 Monday, Feb 15th 3 on 3 Skills and Games 1:00-2:00 High School
Sundays 4:00-5:00 High School Feb 21st-March 7

We have been informed that there is a young man who has been representing himself as fundraising by selling Hershey's candy bars on behalf of the Sharon High School Band. The young man is described as being in his mid-twenties, with short dreadlocks and having facial tattoos. He was reportedly going door to door in Sharon neighborhoods. Please note that the Sharon Band is not currently conducting a candy fundraiser.

Sharon 5th and 6th Grade Girls basketball practice for Sunday, February 7 has been moved from Sharon High School to Case Avenue Elementary School. The time has also been changed. Practice will now be held from 10:30am until 12:00 noon. Players should wear their uniform tops.

The following events will be live streamed this week for Sharon athletics:
2/3/21 @ 6:00 pm
Boys JV/Varsity Basketball
Vs. Academy of Urban Scholars
2/4/21 @ 4:00 pm
Vs. Slippery Rock
2/4/21 @ 6:00 pm
Girls JV/Varsity Basketball
Vs. Greenville
2/5/21 @ 6:00 pm
Boys JV/Varsity Basketball
Vs. Wilmington
2/6/21 @ 2:00 pm
Boys JV/Varsity Basketball
Vs. Neshannock

We have received reports of a telemarketing agency that is using Sharon City School District phone numbers in attempt to scam Sharon residents for money. Specifically, requesting that funds be placed in an Amazon account. Please note that this is a fraud and that NO Sharon City School District group will ever use telemarketing for such purposes. If you are contacted please inform the Sharon Police and your phone company.

The 5th and 6th grade GIRLS BASKETBALL intramural league will begin this SUNDAY, January 31st from 3-4:30 in the high school gym. The girls will be picked for teams and will receive information on practice days/locations as well as game times. Please be prompt. Also, if your daughter still has her jersey, please make sure she brings it. We look forward to seeing everyone back in the gym!

The COVID-19 relief packages recently passed by the United States Congress contain numerous benefits for families financially impacted by the pandemic. Some of these benefits are available to students who are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals.
Even though all Sharon students are currently receiving free meals under the current Federal waiver, if you feel your child would qualify for free or reduced-price school meals under normal school circumstances, we encourage you to submit an application (if you have not already done so) as soon as possible so you may become eligible for these new benefits. Applications are available by contacting your child's school cafeteria. this application will then be used to determine which benefits your child(ren) may be eligible for. This will not impact your child's current meal status.

Congratulations to Sharon Tiger Freshman, Mark Cattron, who broke the Sharon High Record in the 100 meter backstroke on Saturday 1/23 vs Hickory. Mark's record of 57.42 seconds breaks the record set by his brother Zach!

The following athletic events will be live streamed for the week of January 25, 2021. Note start times: 1/25 Girls Bball vs Titusville - varsity only (6:30) https://youtu.be/cGTEf8tsl-s 1/27 Boys Bball vs Shenango -JV / Varsity (6:00) https://youtu.be/XilaEtUZbqE 1/28 Swimming vs Franklin (4:00) https://youtu.be/ILK1YZN6wpA 1/30 Swimming vsTitusville (10:00) https://youtu.be/G0eOOjE_jkI