The Sharon City School District is accepting applications from Sharon residents, age 18 or older, wishing to be considered to fill the Board position that is currently vacant. Interested parties may obtain an application form at the Office of the Superintendent, 215 Forker Boulevard, Sharon, PA 16146. The form is also available on the District’s website at www.sharonsd.org under the EXPLORE tab.
Applications must be received by 4:00pm on Wednesday, April 28, 2021.

The Sharon Tiger's 2020-21 wrestling team is proud to be represented on this year's D10 All-Region teams. First team Region 1 honors were awarded to Sophomore Mike Mazurek (285lb). Second team Region 1 honors were awarded to Sharon Seniors Seth Evans (152), Nick Dignall (172lb) and Aidan Buck (189). Congratulations our student-athletes and to coach Ciafre and all of our Tiger coaches and wrestlers.

The Sharon Tiger's 2020-21 Boys swim team is proud to be well represented on this year's D10 All-Region team. The Boys Region 1, All-Region Award recipients are: First Team: Freshman, Mark Cattron (200 Free, 200I IM, 100 Back, 400 Free Relay), Seniors, Gabe Kirsch (400 Free Relay), Jake Cattron, (Free Relay) and Ty Chartraw (400 Free Relay). Second Team: Senior Jake Cattron,(100 Breaststroke). Freshman, Mark Cattron was also named Region 1, Swimmer/Diver of the Year! Congratulations all of our student-athletes and to coach Tomasello and all of our Tiger coaches and players.

The Sharon Tiger's 2020-21 wrestling team is proud to be represented on this year's D10 All-Region teams. First team Region 1 honors were awarded to Sophomore Mike Mazurek (285lb). Second team Region 1 honors were awarded to Sharon Seniors Nick Dignall (172lb) and Aidan Buck (189). Congratulations our student-athletes and to coach Ciafre and all of our Tiger coaches and wrestlers.

The following link provides access to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission's Advance Education Brochure mentioned in the post below: https://5il.co/ro5s

The PA Public Utility Commission (PUC) has created the Advance Education Brochure explaining the soon-to-be-implemented Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) program. The EBB gives qualifying households money to buy internet service or equipment to use the internet if they are eligible. This program should be of particular interest to parents of school age students (Free or Reduced Lunch makes a household eligible), and students attending colleges and universities (Pell Grant recipients are eligible).
This program is not yet activated. However, the funding is expected to go quickly and will be administered on a first come/first served basis. More information about this program is also available on the FCC’s webpage at www.fcc.gov.

The Sharon High Athletic Department has released revised schedules for the 2021 spring athletic teams who had to suspend their seasons due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Revised schedules can be found at the following links: Baseball: https://5il.co/rmpf Softball: https://5il.co/rmpg Men's Tennis: https://5il.co/rmph Please note that these schedules are subject to change due to weather and continuing COVID-19 mitigation efforts.

The Sharon Tiger's 2020-21 Girls and Boys Basketball teams are proud to be represented on this year's D10 All-Region teams. The Girls Region 4, All-Region Award recipient is: First Team: Senior, Jaysina Sellers. Jaysina will continue her academic and basketball career for the Lady Lions at PSU-Shenango. The Boys Region 4, All-Region Award recipient is: Second Team: Senior, Brett Salsgiver. Congratulations both student-athletes and to coaches O'Brien and Sarver and all of our Tiger coaches and players.

Community organizations are to be advised that the use of any Sharon City School District facility requires a facilities use agreement PRIOR to use. Any organization found using a District facility without permission will be reported for trespass. These facilities include but are not limited to: School gymnasiums, pool, outdoor recreational and study areas, Tiger Stadium, Hadley field, Jefferson field, Wengler field, Cordia Commons field. Thank you.

The Sharon High Drama Department production of Emma: A Pop Musical hits the stage this week on Thursday, April 8; Friday, April 9; and Saturday, April 10. To purchase tickets for this online event please click this link: https://www.broadwayondemand.com/series/CIBD4urEEOPW-emma-a-pop-musical--sharon-middlehigh-school

The 2021 Very Special Arts Gallery is now available. Please use the link below to visit the MIU IV homepage, and scroll down to view the VSA Virtual Gallery. https://www.miu4.org/ The virtual gallery includes over 335 pieces of art from students across Mercer, Lawerance and Butler counties. Check out Sharon's budding artists on this site! This beautiful gallery was completed by Melanie Turner and Devon Agostino from MIU IV's Design and Print Center.

Congratulations to the following Choir students that placed into this year's PMEA All-State Chorus. All four students will participate in the 2021 Virtual All-State Festival in mid April.
4 Sharon Students made PMEA All-State Chorus:
Caleb Childs
Ally Grande
Christian Hacker
Rachel Lewis

Massive FOOD Distribution! Up to 3,000 families will be served!
Saturday March 27th, 2021 @ 10am
Jubilee Ministries International (JMI) Nourishing Others Well-being Project (N.O.W.) along with The Christian Chamber of Commerce of Western Pennsylvania (CCCWP) is sponsoring a Massive Drive-Thru Food Giveaway for up to3,000 families on Saturday, March 27th, 2021
Location- The Town Mall- (Cascade Galleria Plaza)
200 South Jefferson Street, New Castle, PA 16101
All vehicles must enter through the rear entrance of the Town Mall
Cars will be lined up in the rear parking lot of the mall.
We will honor our Veterans with a quick service line- please bring your Veteran ID
Jubilee Ministries International N.O.W. Project and CCCWP will distribute an abundance of quality food boxes for almost 3,000 families.
Each family will receive boxes containing fresh milk, dairy products, meat, assorted fresh produce, and assorted shelf-stable groceries. There will be a limited supply of frozen meal boxes for children under the age of 18 also available.
The boxes will be loaded directly into the vehicles by the volunteers.
Boxes will be given away on a first come first serve basis for anyone in need! The distribution will open once trucks are unloaded & distribution lines are set up.
Special thanks, New Castle Police, New Castle Fire Department, SVN/TRCA Property & Bill Marting Family, Public Works, Rastelli Global, T & M Hardware, Lear Inc., Brian Campbell Farms, Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, Nesbit Septic, Mark's Cleaning and Hauling Services, and LCCAP
Visit our Facebook page The NOW Project of Western Pennsylvania Food Distribution @nourishgingotherswellbeing
Email: JubileeMinistriesNOWproject@gmail.com

The Sharon City School District has released its plans for the Fourth Nine-Week Grading period which begins on Monday, March 29 2021. Please review the letter outlining necessary information that can be found at this link: https://5il.co/qmkj
Families wishing to change their child's instructional option (in-person to virtual or virtual to in-person) must complete the Change in Instructional Placement form which can be found at this link: https://forms.gle/JQyPq5MkSS51tL2u7 by Friday, March 19, 2021.

Congratulations to Sharon High Freshman, Mark Cattron, on winning the District 10 Championship in the 200 Freestyle race! Mark will represent Sharon High in the upcoming State Championships. Go Tigers!

The Sharon Tigers take on the Harbor Creek Huskies tonight in first round District 10 boys basketball playoff action! The game will be live streamed at:
Go Tigers!

The Sharon City School District has posted openings for the following positions:
Superintendent of Schools (due March 26, 2021)
Substitute Teachers (Ongoing)
Casual Substitute Teachers (Ongoing)
Men's Soccer - Head Coach (Ongoing)
Information can be obtained on the District website under the EXPLORE - Employment Opportunities - Vacancy tabs.

Congratulations to Sharon High School Freshman Mark Cattron on being named PIAA - District 10 - Region 1 Swimmer of the Year.

The Live Feed for tonight's Sharon Boys JV/Varsity Basketball game can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJtd5zfHqETaL9xh0Sfa4LA/featured
Game time JV 6pm , Varsity 7:30pm

Listed below are the Live Stream links for the final week of Winter Sports:
Girls JV/Varsity Bball vs Mercer
3/1/21 @ 6/7:30
Boys JV/Varsity Bball vs Rocky Grove
3/3/21 @ 6/7:30