Adults are vital for ensuring children continue to thrive during these tough times. Share your thoughts to help ensure resources are accessible where they will do the most good by taking the Family Strengths survey at: https://www.pediatrics.pitt.edu/family-strengths-survey

To all the Learn to Swim Parents:
Please note the following:
If we are able to have the school open this year, we will continue Learn to Swim lessons for the four weeks remaining in the Spring program. If we are unable to return to the pool this year, we will apply your current payment to a future session of your choosing; either the fall of 2020 or spring of 2021.

Attention Sharon HS Students (Grades 9-12):
Clarion University's Upward Bound program is currently accepting applications for Sharon students in grades 9-12 for Spring 2020 AND also next school year. Students can apply at: www.clarion.edu/upwardbound or by clicking the following link: https://5il.co/efom
Call 814-393-2342 with any questions and please leave a message with your contact information. Clarion counselors are working remotely and will return calls as soon as possible.
**Current Upward Bound members should contact Mr. Revale to satisfy meeting requirements for April through email at: gary_revale@sharonsd.org

Please note that the closure of all Pennsylvania schools has been extended "until further notice.". Also be reminded that student instructional packets were distributed on Thursday & Friday and completed packets should be kept at home until students return to school.

The Sharon Schools has cancelled the following April committee mtgs: Safety, Policy, Athletic, & Education. The Work Session has been rescheduled for April 20 at 7pm followed by the Board meeting. Information regarding remote access will be available at www.sharonsd.org soon.

Parents: If you are struggling in assisting your children with their at home packets you may want to check out this great resource. It will provide video assistance to you and your child(ren) as you navigate the world of work from home. www.khanacademy.org

Attention Sharon High School Seniors:
Looking for scholarship applications?
Head to the district's website and find "HIGH SCHOOL" under the SCHOOLS tab. Next-click on the EXPLORE TAB- applications can be found under "Guidance-Scholarship Applications"
If you have any questions about scholarship applications, please contact Ms. Amy Croach at: amy_croach@sharonsd.org

Attention Sharon M/HS Students:
Check out this heartwarming video message that teachers put together to let everyone know that we miss you and we can't wait to see everyone hopefully soon! Stay safe! Stay kind!
Click the following link for video: https://5il.co/e6ts

Sharon City Schools congratulate the following wrestlers who earned PIAA District 10 All Region honors. Region 1 1st team: Sully Allen 152lbs. 2nd team: Nick Dignall 145lbs; Aidan Buck 182lbs. Sully was also named Region 1 Wrestler of the Year. Congratulations to all!

Congratulations the following Sharon Swimmers who were named to the PIAA District 10 Region 1 All-Region 2nd team: Sharon 200 free relay team: Sharon — Nikoli Dobosh (12), Ty Chartraw (11), Jake Cattron (11), Nolan Songer (12)

Congratulations to Sharon High Swimmer Nolan Songer for being named to the PIAA District 10 Region 1 All-Star teams for the 2019-20 season. Nolan: 1st Team 200 free and 100 fly also 2nd team 50 free. Nolan was also named to the All-District All-Star squad in the 200 free event.

Congratulations to Sharon High Seniors MerQuan Peterson and Michael Calloway for being named to the PIAA District 10 Region 5 All-Star teams for the 2019-20 season. MerQuan was named to the first team and Michael as a second team all-star. Congratulations to both outstanding players!

If you are out of work and without pay due to the COVID-19 mandatory shutdowns you may be eligible for food assistance. The Community Food Warehouse of Mercer County can assist you. Please use the contact information that follows for help. Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at 724-981-0353. The Warehouse will connect you to the nearest pantry or emergency food pantry, and can also refer you to free meals in your area.

Sharon parents: Please visit the district website for a memo with updated information regarding the current school shutdown. Also, please be reminded that lunch is being served to all children ages 18 and under at each elementary school from 11 AM to 1 pm. There is no charge.

Due to the recent developments of COVID-19 the Sharon City School District is no longer taking facility requests for outside groups for the 2019-2020 school year.

The Sharon City School District is expanding our Dual Enrollment program to HS Seniors for the 2020-21 school year. Check out the story here: http://bit.ly/2Qqgpim

The Sharon City School District will be providing meals to students during the Coronavirus closure. Beginning Wednesday, March 18, brown-bagged lunch and a supplemental breakfast will be available to any Sharon resident age 18 and younger that needs it.
Meals can be picked up at the sites listed below Monday - Friday from 11:00 AM -1:00 PM. We ask families to follow the signs for entry into the buildings. Students must be present and may pick up only a single meal daily. No meals may be eaten on site. Also, no adult meals may be purchased at this time.
School Sites:
Case Avenue Elementary: Lower drive (traffic loop off of Case Avenue)
C. M. Musser Elementary: Cafeteria doors on Leslie Street side.
West Hill Elementary: Main building entrance

Juniors and Seniors: The College Board is CANCELING the MAY 2, 2020, SAT administration. Makeup exams for the March 14 administration (scheduled for March 28) ARE ALSO CANCELED. Refunds will be provided to all students who were registered for May, whose March test centers were closed, or who do not receive March scores due to an irregularity.
ETS will provide future additional SAT testing opportunities for students as soon as feasible in place of canceled administrations. The June 6, 2020 SAT administration has not been cancelled and ETS will continue to assess its status."
Questions? Students and Parents can call: 866-756-7346 or email: sat@info.collegeboard.org

The March M/HS Tutoring Calendar is now available under the EXPLORE tab or by clicking the following link: https://5il.co/db4q

Attention Parents! If you are having trouble with the SCSD App and seeing events and announcements, call Mrs. Blair at the M/HS at 724-983-4030 ext. 1018 today! Dates and announcements are updated daily!